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Sending Messages Documentation | Sendblue

The Sendblue API conforms to REST API standards. Using it, you can send outbound iMessage and SMS to any enabled phone globally. All requests can either be form-encoded or

In this documentation, we will cover how to:

  1. Send iMessages to a destination phone number
  2. Track the status of your message using webhooks

Sending iMessages

You can send a message directly with cURL or by using one of our client libraries by hitting the following endpoint:

POST Here's what that looks like as a curl request:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'sb-api-key-id: YOUR_SB_API_KEY_ID' \
--header 'sb-api-secret-key: YOUR_SB_API_SECRET_KEY' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"number": "+19998887777",
"content": "Hello world!",
"send_style": "invisible",
"media_url": "",
"status_callback": ""

And here's the same in Node.js with Axios

const axios = require("axios");

const url = ``;

number: "+19998887777",
content: "Hello world!",
send_style: "invisible",
media_url: "",
status_callback: "",
headers: {
"sb-api-key-id": "YOUR_SB_API_KEY_ID",
"sb-api-secret-key": "YOUR_SB_API_SECRET_KEY",
"content-type": "application/json",
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {

Request body

numberstringThe number of the recipient of the message
contentstringThe content of the message
send_stylestringThe style of delivery of the message (see expressive messages)
media_urlstringThe URL of the image you want to send
status_callbackstringThe URL where you want to receive the status updates of the message

Sample response

"accountEmail": "YOUR EMAIL",
"content": "Hello world!",
"is_outbound": true,
"status": "QUEUED",
"error_code": null,
"error_message": null,
"message_handle": "dfd747ba-5600-4a8a-804a-a614a0fbc1c5",
"date_sent": "2023-09-27T16:35:32.287Z",
"date_updated": "2023-09-27T16:35:32.703Z",
"from_number": "+16468528190",
"number": "+19998887777",
"to_number": "+19998887777",
"was_downgraded": null,
"plan": "dedicated",
"media_url": "",
"message_type": "message",
"group_id": "",
"participants": [],
"send_style": "invisible",
"opted_out": false,
"error_detail": null

Sending files

You can send images using the media_url parameter. This URL should be a CDN link pointing to an image. The URL must end with the proper file extension. We recommend sticking to the standard PascalCase naming convention. So if your image is named "Welcome Image", we recommend uploading it to your CDN as "WelcomeImage.png".

Files are currently capped at 5MB.

media_url does not support signed urls, please use the media object pattern for that

Status Callback

Sendblue will POST the endpoint you provide in status_callback whenever the status of a message changes to one of the following:

  • queued
  • failed
  • sent
  • delivered
  • read

Below is an example of the POST body that is sent to the status_callback URL for a delivered message:

"accountEmail": "[email protected]",
"content": "Hello world!",
"is_outbound": true,
"status": "DELIVERED",
"error_code": null,
"error_message": null,
"message_handle": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"date_sent": "2020-09-10T06:15:05.962Z",
"date_updated": "2020-09-10T06:15:14.115Z",
"from_number": "+15122164639",
"number": "+19998887777",
"to_number": "+19998887777",
"was_downgraded": false,
"plan": "blue"

You must send a response to our server in order to avoid receiving multiple webhook calls.

Message Status Resolution

Callback Body FieldTypeDescription
accountEmailstringAssociated account email
contentstringMessage content
is_outboundbooleanTrue if message is sent, false if message is received
media_urlstringA CDN link to the image that you sent our servers
statusstringThe current status of the message
error_codeinterror code (null if no error)
error_messagestringdescriptive error message (null if no error)
message_handlestringSendblue message handle
date_sentstringISO 8601 formatted date string of the date this message was created
date_updatedstringISO 8601 formatted date string of the date this message was last updated
from_numberstringE.164 formatted phone number string of the message dispatcher
numberstringE.164 formatted phone number string of your end-user (not the Sendblue-provided phone number)
to_numberstringE.164 formatted phone number string of the message recipient
was_downgradedbooleantrue if the end user does not support iMessage, false otherwise
planstringValue of the Sendblue account plan


The status field will report the status. There are currently 7 different possible responses to a send-message request:

QUEUEDThe message has reached our servers, and has passed our validation checks. It has been queued for delivery
SENTThe message has been sent
DELIVEREDThe message has been sent, and we've received confirmation of delivery (iMessage Only)
READThe message has been sent, and we've received confirmation that the end user has read the message (iMessage Only)
ERRORThe message has failed to send, see the error_code field to understaind why

Error Codes

Any Code besides 0 or null is a failure. Some codes are not yet documented.

4000Validation Error: see error_message field
4001Rate Limit Exceeded
4002Blacklisted Number (e.g. 911)
5000Internal Error
5003Server Rate Exceeded
10001message failed to send
10002failed to resolve message status


Messages sent using Sendblue must be less than 18996 characters in length. If you have larger requirements we recommend breaking the message up into several, smaller messages.

Useful Information

From Number


Sendblue focuses on message deliverability and end-user experience. This means that each of your users will only ever interact with your business through one Sendblue phone number. However, different clients may see different numbers for texts sent from your company. See Limits & Queues for more info

The from_number field is given as a convenience to you, in case you want to keep track of that info, or tell the client that they should expect a text from the number that you show them.


The message handle is used so that you can query the status of each message at a later date. This is especially useful in high volume message_status=QUEUED cases or TIMEOUT cases.